So I am about to adventure on a road trip up the east coast of Australia from Sydney to Cairns; I have 3 and a half weeks to make it back, I leave for Bali on August 30th from Sydney. Benny and Brogan asked me to go for 10 days and it was an opportunity of a lifetime to get up there. Bali and the rest of Indonesian have the best waves in the world, as well as warmest weather and cheap accommodation. All the aussies go there for there holidays, I am glad I am getting to go with some good guys; we have 2 more of there friends coming, I just met them yesterday for a surf and they seem like great people.
I haven't posted anything in a week and a half, It has been my 3rd week into mid 4th week in Australia since my last post. I have been staying in Wollongong and really enjoying my time. My friend John I have been staying with has had many others at his place, including his brother Davo, his roomate Hutton, and Hutton's friend Bosco who are all on break from uni. 2 other guys, George and Tim staying with us for a few days as well. So basically John's place was like a hostil, I enjoyed meeting everyone.
I got a bunch of waves in with John and his brother Davo, we took some trips up and down the coast getting great reef waves. Unfortunately I had some car troubles along the way, I had taken my car to the mechanic and had them take care of all the necessary items. After I paid that big fee the clutch went on the car, so I decided not to put any more money into it. I really wanted to go on this roadtrip so I decided I would either take a bus or find a rideshare. John's father ended up basically giving me his car, I just paid him for the rego (registration/insurance) which was only $400. It was really nice of him. Here in Australia when you register your car you pay for insurance for the year; which usually costs around $500-$800. They also inspect the car for safety features, seatbelts, lights and other items. Here in Australia they are so safe on driving, if you don't wear your seatbelt you lose your license, and if somone in your car isn't wearing there seatbelt the driver still loses his license, epic! I think it's a great law for sure. Also they have speed cameras all up and down the major highways, I will talk more about the driving laws soon.
I ended up taking a trip with Davo down the coast to his dad's house in Tuross Head to pick up the car and drop Davo off there; I also dropped George off at his fathers in Ulladala. On the way George took us to a reef break in his home town, I was pretty scared to surf it as it was breaking right into the reef; the waves were small and fast. 

Rite on Brah. Keep searchin for some hanus drainers!!!!
Just to let you know what you're missing. Its tea time 8 hours a day round here and I can't turn up the music in my headphones loud enough to escape the dullnes of me 3 1/2 walled cube cell. Waves went flat too, fuckin BUMMER brah!!! Stay loose! LATA.
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